[Seoul,Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic] Inturned tooth ->Veneer treatment / Introduction, Case, Cost, etc.
[Seoul,Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic] Inturned tooth ->Veneer treatment
Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic- City hall station, Seoul, Korea
Today, I am posting about the in-turned tooth laminate which many of our patients prefers to get. "What is inturned tooth?"
The inturned tooth is a state in which the front teeth are tilted inward (tongue or hard palate) than the normal angle of the tooth. There are cases where only a few teeth were abnormal from the beginning but after orthodontic treatment such as braces, teeth became more tilted than they are supposed to be. This case shows typical inturned teeth arrangement. Some misunderstandings about laminate.
Patients are usually afraid of getting their teeth shaved as their teeth will get more sensitive. The facts is that crown is the most common restoration that requires more shaving of the tooth compared to the dental veneer but patients actually are less concerned with crowns. Also, those who have inturned teeth usually want their teeth to be more thicker, so shaving off your teeth will not be necessary during the process. Several cases of dental veneer that improved the inturned teeth conducted in Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic.
Case 1. Two front Incisors veneered (without shave)
Case 2. Two front Incisors veneered (without shave)
Case 3. Front 6 teeth veneered (after finishing the braces from other dental clinic, patient wanted longer teeth)
"Why Dental veneer ?" Dental veneer can improve the colour of your teeth if you want them to be brighter, and the shape and arrangement of your teeth can be improved as well. Other cases that recommends dental veneer include a case with a smaller sized teeth, a case where the teeth are crooked but don't want to have braces, and a case with gap teeth on upper incisors. How your veneers are made
Putty mould is created of the teeth with that layer of enamel. This mould hardens and will be sent to a lab for the veneer creation. How long does it take to set veneer and how many times do I have to visit dentist? First of all you need to make a mould on the day you decide to do veneer and the mould is sent to the lab. Making the veneer in the lab will take about 10-13days of working day. You will set the veneer when it is ready. So total two times of visiting the clinic will be necessary.
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